Monday, January 4, 2010

Long Belated Updates

All right, so some of you faithful readers out there (who I'm hoping exist) might have noticed the slight lack of updates since my last post four months ago. The answer is very simple. NLP has undergone major changes in its plans.

Well, the first (and admittedly foremost) reason why this blog remained abandoned for four months is simply because I forgot about it. After setting up the forum, I have concentrated most of my efforts over there, and therefore completely forgot about the existence of both this blog and the actual site. Hence the lack of updates on either.

The second reason? Real life kicked in. Hard. Need I say more?

As my previous posts have mentioned, we are indeed working on Prelude before moving on to PB. After much fiery debate over characters, setting, plot, etc. we have yet to come to a beta sketch from which we may work to create the bigger picture... but all the ideas are there, and I just need some time to pull it all together, after which I will hopefully have the time and presence of mind to inform all of you readers (who I'm hoping exist) about them.

Oh, have I mentioned that we have a forum now? Yeah, we have a forum now. Yay!! *cheering and celebrating galore*

Well, actually we've had it since about the third week of NLP. I just never remembered to post the draft that I wrote up informing all of you about it. I'm sorry.

But anyways, the point comes down to the fact that the forum is where we, the members of NLP (well actually, only abscess, lone_wolf, and I lurk around regularly) most frequently congregate, which makes it the perfect place to actually find us. Make an account (or not; replying to posts doesn't need an account) and feel free to ask, suggest, or simply chat. Got ideas? Fire away. Got questions? Fire away. Got problems? We probably can't help you out much, but fire away!

... And I think that that's all I have to say tonight. It's good to be posting again.

EDIT: And PttA is beginning to see signs of progress. Dare I take it as a good omen?